gorse no. 5, March 2016
200 Pages (the first 150 copies are individually numbered)
ISBN: 978-0-9928047-4-9
€13 | Sold Out
No. 5
“Knowledge comes with death’s release…”
The Geometry Blinked Ruin Unimaginable
‘Friendship & the Art of Translation: Lynne Tillman & Kiki Smith’ by Diarmuid Hester
‘The Intermittent I’ by Darragh McCausland
‘Badovici Lifeboats’ by Nathan Hugh O’Donnell
‘Pick-up, Dive & Fling’ by Benjamin Robinson
‘Medinations / Medinaciones’ by Susana Medina, translated by Jonathan Dunne
‘The Absence of Empire,’ an interview with Owen Hatherley by Robert Barry
‘Learning Pieces,’ an interview with Sarah Pierce by Claire Potter
‘This Spacious Earth’ by Will Ashon
‘Ordinary People: Knowing the Answer is Worth Nothing’ by Maria Fusco
‘Let No Man Put Asunder’ by Olivia Heal
‘Idiom’ by D Joyce-Ahearne
‘Triptych’ by Helen McClory
‘In the Absence of Absalon’ by Simon Okotie
‘Flight Lines’ by Eimear Ryan
‘Prism’ by SJ Fowler
‘Four Poems’ by Linda Kemp
‘Gabriel’ by Alan Jude Moore
‘Two Poems’ by Doireann Ní Ghríofa
‘Sputniks’ by James Wilkes
Cover: Niall McCormack