gorse no. 3, March 2015
260 Pages (the first 150 copies are individually numbered)
ISBN: 978-0-9928047-2-5
€18 | Sold Out
No. 3
Whale in the Moon When It’s Clear
‘At Home in the Unheimlich,’ Deborah Levy by Andrew Gallix
‘Initiations: On Grisey’s Music’ by Liam Cagney
‘A Writer’s Guide to the Dialectical Landscapes of Dublin’ by Therese Cox
‘Four Bridges/Four Exercises in Re-Construction’ by Adrian Duncan
‘A Fine House, The Irish & Their Bungalows’ by Oliver Farry
‘Stasis’ by Ian Maleney
‘The Cardinal & the Corpse, A Flanntasy in Several Parts’ by Pádraig Ó Meálóid
‘Father of the Man, Terence Davies’ Trilogy‘ by Bobby Seal
‘The Eye & the Word’ by Joanna Walsh
‘ten thousand tiny spots’ by Sheila Armstrong
‘April Truth’ by Ilya Zverev, translated by Anna Aslanyan
‘The Belly of the Whale, A Captain Ruggles Novelette’ by Adam Biles
‘Limbed’ by David Hayden
‘Medicine’ by Darragh McCausland
‘Selfie’ by Paula McGrath
‘Two Poems’ by Thomas Bernhard, Friedrich Hölderlin, translated by Will Stone
‘Subcritical Tests’ by Ailbhe Darcy & S.J. Fowler
‘Three Poems’ by Cal Doyle
‘Five Poems’ by Michael Naghten Shanks
‘Five Poems’ by Georg Trakl, translated by Will Stone
Cover: Niall McCormack
Awards: The Design Observer in association with AIGA, 50 Books | 50 Covers 2015 (Winner)